A1b Killarney Lake

Meet at TH at end of Woodridge Place. Hike is 240 m – 9.5 km – 3 hrs. Moderate pace. Email leader Lorraine L if coming.

B2b Townsend Ridge – Heavenly Valley

Meet at the Sooke Hills Wilderness parking lot on Sooke Road. Hike starts at 9:30. Hike is 540m -13 kms - 4.5 hrs. Contact Denise T. if coming.

**Bike Ride** Broken Paddle

Meet at SMH parking lot. Ride is approx 18-22 km per hour - 4 hrs. Email leader Paula M if coming.

A1b Fun Trail and beyond

Meet at the end of Woodridge Place. Hike starts at 9:30. Hike is 200m - 8 kms - 3 hrs. Contact Cathy G. if coming.

B2b Gowlland Tod Loop

Meet at the Mt. Work parking lot on Ross-Durrance Road. Hike starts at 9:30. Hike is 325m - 11 kms - 4.5 hrs. Contact Chris D. if coming.