A1b Ten Mile Pt & Mystic Vale

Meet at Gyro Park. Hike is 140 m – 7.7 km – 2.5 hrs. Email leader Jan M if coming.

B2b John Dean Park

Meet at the Halden Rd/Thompson Place trailhead. Hike starts a 9:00. Hike is 552m - 10.2 kms - 3.5-4 hrs. Contact Liz B. if coming.  

A1b NW Francis King Park

Meet at Munn Rd parking lot. Hike is 80 m - 5 km - 2 hrs. Email leader Ken M if coming.

B2b Mt. Jeffrey – Oliphant Lake

Meet at Spectacle Lake Provincial Park. Hike starts at 9:30. Hike is 360m -11 kms -4 hrs. Most of hike is through clearcuts. Contact Will A. if coming.