B2b/c Monument Mtn. Larkspur Loop
Contact leader for start time and start location. Hike is 600m - 11 kms. Must email Laura A. if coming. **Nifty 50 hike**
Contact leader for start time and start location. Hike is 600m - 11 kms. Must email Laura A. if coming. **Nifty 50 hike**
Meet at the Mt. Work parking lot on Munn Road. Hike starts at 9:30. Hike is 325m 8.5 kms - 3.5 hrs. Must email Cathy G. if coming.
Meet at the parking lot near washrooms. Hike is 220 m - 7 km -2.5 - 3 hrs - Slow pace. Route depends on trail conditions & weather. Email leader Shirley T if coming
Meet at the Anderson Cove parking lot. Hike starts at 9:30. Hike is 590 m - 13 kms. Must email Carol M. if coming.
Meet at Francis King parking lot. Hike is 80 m – 5 km – 2 hrs. Slow pace. Email leader Ken M if coming.
Meet at the Sooke Hills Wilderness parking lot on Sooke Road. Hike starts at 9:00. Hike is 600m - 13.5 kms - 5 hrs. Must email Anne O. if coming. **Nifty 50 hike(s)**
Meet at the end of Westoby Road. Hike starts at 9:00. Must email Cathy G. if coming.
Meet at Munn Rd parking lot. Hike is 220 m – 7.5 km – 2.5 hrs. Moderate pace. Email leader Lorraine L if coming.
Hike cancelled due to icy trail conditions.
Contact leader for start time and start location. Hike is 330m - 12 kms. Must email Laura A. if coming.
Meet at Windsor Park Pavillion, by main entry doors. Hike will include Anderson Hill, Walbram Steps, Gonzales Hill. Hike is 150 m - 9.8 km - 2 hrs. Email leader Wendy E if coming.
Meet at the Aldeane Ave. parking lot. Hike starts at 10:00. Must email Carol M. if coming.
Contact leader for start time and start location. Hike is 800m - 16 kms. Must email Laura A. if coming.
Hike cancelled due to poor trail conditions.
Meet at Dallas Rd, East of Cook St. Hike is 60 m – 8.5 km – 2.5 hrs. Moderate pace. Email leader Lorraine L if coming.
Meet at Munn Rd parking lot. Hike is 220 m – 7.5 km – 2.5 hrs. Moderate pace. Email leader Lorraine L if coming.
Contact leader for trailhead directions. Hike starts at 10:00. Must email Denise T. if coming.
Meet on Dallas Road at first parking area East of Mile Zero. Hike is 50 m – 8 km - 2 hrs. Email leader Wendy E if coming.
Meet at Old Island Hwy off Ocean Blvd (Park & Ride). Hike is 140 m – 7.3 km – 2 hrs. Email leader Elizabeth S-J if coming.
Contact leader for start location. Hike is 600m - 13 kms - 5 hrs. Hike includes an unavoidable but very quiet 1 km road walk. Must email Will A. if coming.
Meet at Mt Work Munn Rd parking lot. Hike is 220 m – 8.5 km – 3 hrs. Moderate pace. Email leader Lorraine L if coming.
Meet at parking lot near washrooms. Hike is 220 m – 7 km – 2.5 hrs. Email leader Lorraine L if coming.
Meet at the Mt. Work parking lot on Ross-Durrance Road. Hike starts at 9:00. Hike is 600m - 14 kms - 6 hrs. Must email Liz B. if coming.
Meet at Beckwith Park. Hike is 150 m – 8 km – 3 hrs. Moderate pace. Email leader Paula M if coming.
Meet at the Matheson Lake parking lot. Hike starts at 10:00. Hike is 350m - 10.5 kms - 4 hrs. Must email Whitney L. if coming.
Meet at the end of Woodridge Place. Hike starts at 9:30. Hike is 220m - 9.8 kms - 3/3.5 hrs. Must email Cathy G. if coming.
Meet at Tod Inlet trailhead. Hike is 200 m – 7 km – 2.5 hrs. Email leader Jan M if coming.
Meet at Aylard Farm parking lot. Hike starts at 10:00. Hike is 450m - 10 kms. Must email Carol M. if coming.
Meet Tower Point Parking Lot. Hike is 150 m – 8 km – 3 hrs. Bring lunch. Email leader Wendy E if coming.
Meet at the Halden Rd/Thompson Place trailhead (8233 Thompson Pl.). Hike starts at 9:00. Hike is 552m - 10.2 kms - 3.5/4 hrs. Must email Liz B. if coming.
Meet at Francis King parking lot. Hike is 80 m – 5 km – 2 hrs. Slow pace. Email leader Ken M if coming.
Contact leader for start time and start location. Hike is 400m - 10 kms. Hike is pending on permission. Must email Laura A. if coming. **Nifty 50 peak(s)**
Meet at end of Woodridge Place. Hike is 260 m – 8.5 km – 3 hrs. Moderate pace. Email leader Lorraine L if coming.