

New Members: Please see the ‘New Members’ section of the website for important information before joining.

The OCV membership year runs January 1st to December 31st. If you haven’t renewed your membership by January 31st, it will be assumed that you are not planning to continue as an active member. There will be a small late fee applied if you rejoin after January 31st.

January 1st
January 31st
October 1st
Active Member$35.00$40.00$20.00
New Member$35.00N/A$20.00

Instructions for Online Membership Process

Step 1: Click this link: Online Form

This will take you to OCV’s online application system.

Step 2: Send Email

Enter your email address and click Send Email. You will receive an email with a 6 digit verification code.

Step 3. Verify Email

Type in the 6 digit verification code from Step 2 and click Confirm Code.

Step 4: Registration 

Enter your personal and contact information into the registration form. Then select your applicable membership type (New member, or Active member (renewing member)) and indicate your preferences re: the Members List, Email List and Photographs, and click Save.

You can then review your information, and make any changes by clicking Update. If everything looks good click Continue.

Step 5. Menu

The Sign Waiver and Make Membership Payment option is what you would normally do, even if you want to pay by cheque. Two other options: Sign Waiver Only and Membership Payment Only may be available if the need arises.

Step 6: Waiver Signing/Release Agreement

To review the entire waiver before proceeding, click Read the Release Agreement first. To sign the waiver, click Sign the Release Agreement and then review and check off each section. Once you’ve reviewed the document, type your full name where indicated at the bottom to complete the digital signing of the waiver. An email with your completed waiver in PDF format will be sent to you.

Step 7:  Membership Invoice

Once the waiver is submitted you will be taken to the payment page. You may purchase a Club Badge on this page (click Change Quantities to do this). Review your purchase and click either Pay Online or Pay by Cheque.

If you choose Pay Online, you will be asked to enter your credit card details. An email with your invoice and payment details will be sent to you.

If you choose Pay by Cheque , an email with instructions will be sent to you. It will take several days before your membership is confirmed.

Instructions for Hardcopy / Paper Membership Process

Print a copy of the OCV New Member Application or the OCV Membership Renewal and also a copy of the FMCBC Waiver, which are available below. Complete the application form and waiver and mail them, with a cheque for your fees, to the address listed on the bottom of the Application.

OCV New Member Application

OCV Membership Renewal

FMCBC Waiver

Privacy and Policy Disclaimer

Personal information such as members’ names, phone numbers and email addresses are included on the OCV Membership List which is distributed by email to all members. Each member is responsible for treating this information with the discretion with which you look after your own banking information.

To review OCV’s Privacy Policy, click below:

Privacy Policy

To review the privacy policy for, the website host for the Club website regarding email, cookies, etc., click below:

Have a question regarding membership?

Contact our Club Representative through the form below.
