Hike Ratings

Hike Ratings

  • Ratings are subjective evaluations and the Club cannot assume responsibility for an individual’s interpretation.
  • All members must email the leader prior to appearing at the meeting place.
  • It is the prerogative of leaders to turn back members at the meeting place if in the leader’s opinion the members are not suitably equipped for that particular hike.
  • It is each hiker’s responsibility to ensure he/she is capable of handling the planned hike. Ask the leader about the difficulty to ensure your skills and the hike are matched.

Hikes are rated in three categories:

A: up to 300m/1000′ 1: up to 10Km /6 miles a: good trail, sidewalk, road
B: 300-600m/up to 2000′ 2: 10 to 20 Km/12miles b: some rough trail
C: beyond 600m/3000′ 3: 20-30Km /up to 18 miles c: rough to no trail, scrambling