Then & Now Photos

Then & Now Photos

Then and Now Challenge

OCV has thousands of images that depict our rich history of outdoor adventure. We thought we’d begin to share our past with a “then and now” challenge. Hike to the one of the locations in these photos and take a picture of what it’s like “now” and include yourselves in the photo.

Mt. Tzouhalem – Mount Tzouhalem is a mountain on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, 4 kilometres east-northeast of Duncan in the municipality of North Cowichan. It is situated between Quamichan Lake, Maple Bay and Cowichan Bay.

Goldstream – Goldstream Provincial Park is just 17 kilometres from Victoria. Goldstream is also part of the Nanaimo Lowlands Ecosection and the Coastal Douglas Fir Biogeoclimatic Zone. The park is home to small Garry oak meadows, arbutus, and old growth Douglas fir trees.

Mt. MacDonald – is part of the Sooke Hills in the Capital Regional District. The summit is mostly clear of bush and offers lovely views across to Mt Wells and south to the Olympics.

Schoen Lake Provincial Park – Located northwest of Campbell River in the Nimpkish Valley. Within the park’s protective boundaries are old-growth forests, waterways, meadows, small lakes and essential deer, Roosevelt elk and fish habitat.