Vancouver Island Trail Association
We partner with the Vancouver Island Trail Association (VITA) by supporting their objective of building a multi use trail from Victoria all the way to Cape Scott. This trail could give a much needed boost to some smaller towns and villages along the trail route. Much of the trail has been built but work will continue for some time as bridges need to be built on some trails. VITA is also in ongoing negotiations to obtain access to continue the trail through forest company lands. The OCV has directed funds from the OCV trust in the Victoria Foundation to help the Vancouver Island Trail Association to attain their goals.
Club Tread
Club Tread is a sister hiking club in the Victoria area. Many members of the OCV also belong to Club Tread. We share hiking resources between the clubs.
The Federation of Mountain Clubs of BC. (FMCBC)
FMCBC is an umbrella organization made up of many outdoor clubs located in BC. It represents the interests and concerns of BC’s non-motorized outdoor recreationalists. Together, we work to ensure that access to quality non-motorized backcountry recreation is protected and maintained. Many groups obtain their insurance as a part of the group insurance offered by FMCBC.
They have a number of publications which are distributed to all members. Due to our agreement with our OCV members that personal information collected to establish membership will not be distributed outside of OCV, links to the FMCBC’s monthly newsletter and Cloudburst semi-annual publication are available as links on this page.
Recent FMCBC newsletters are available here.
Recent issues of the FMCBC’s Cloudburst newsletter are available here.
Both publications combine updates from FMCBC Directors and Committee Chairs plus stories, announcements and trip reports from FMCBC’s general membership. Articles can be submitted for inclusion. The guidelines for submission are stated on the Publications page.
If you wish to receive the FMCBC publications by email directly you can sign up here.