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B2b Galiano Island
Participants walk on the 10:25 ferry at Swartz Bay. Transfer at Mayne Island - arrive on Galiano at noon. Return ferry at 6:15 - arrive in Swartz Bay at 7:45. This outing is weather dependent. Hike is 450m - 15 kms. Must email Helen V. if coming.
A1b Royal Roads Trails
Meet at Aldeane Rd. Lunch at Japanese Garden. Hike is 3 hrs. Email leader Wendy E if coming.
B1b Portland Island
Cost for the water taxi is $40.00 per person. Leader requires 11 people to fill the taxi. Must book and pay by September 10th. Hike is 10kms - 3.5 hrs. Must email Mary H. if coming.
A1b N Saanich Neighbourhood Trails
Meet at Coles Bay Regional Park. Hike is 120 m – 7 km – 3 hrs. Bring snack. Email leader Jan M if coming.