B2b Cowichan River Trail
Meet at the Skutz Falls trailhead on Riverbottom Road. Hike starts at 10:00. Hike is 14 kms. Hike is weather dependent. In case of rain, an alternative hike will be offered closer to town. Contact Carol M. if coming.
Meet at the Skutz Falls trailhead on Riverbottom Road. Hike starts at 10:00. Hike is 14 kms. Hike is weather dependent. In case of rain, an alternative hike will be offered closer to town. Contact Carol M. if coming.
Meet at Charters Creek TH on Sooke River Rd. Hike is 300 m - 4 km - 2.5 hrs. Email Rita P if coming.
Meet at the Mt. Work parking lot on Munn Road. Hike starts at 9:30. Hike is 500m - 13 kms. Contact Vandi H. if coming.
Meet at the Sooke Hills Wilderness parking lot on Sooke Road. Hike starts at 9:00. Hike is 500m - 8 kms. Contact Laura A. if coming.
Hikers will take 9:00 ferry from Swartz Bay to Fulford Harbour. Hike is 200 m – 8 km – 3 hrs. Email leader Lorraine L if coming.