A1b Frances King
A1b Frances King
Meet at Munn Rd parking lot. Hike is 220 m – 7.5 km – 2.5 hrs. Moderate pace. Email leader Lorraine L if coming.
Meet at Munn Rd parking lot. Hike is 220 m – 7.5 km – 2.5 hrs. Moderate pace. Email leader Lorraine L if coming.
Meet at the end of Coppermine Road. Hike starts at 10:00. Hike is 4 hrs. Must email Carol M. if coming.
Meet at Aldeane Rd parking lot. Lunch at Japanese Garden. Hike is 3 hrs. Email leader Wendy E if coming.
Meet at the Mt. Work parking lot on Ross-Durrance Road. Hike starts at 9:00. Hike is 500m - 10.6kms - 4.5 hrs. Must email Liz B. if coming.
Meet at Francis King parking lot. Hike is 80 m – 5 km – 2 hrs. Slow pace. Email leader Ken M if coming.
Meet at the Sooke Hills Wilderness parking lot on Sooke Road. Hike starts at 9:00. Hike is 500m - 14kms - 5+hrs. Hike is mostly easy walking on unmaintained but well-defined trail apart from 1 km section between Land's End and Viking. The Viking Fir is allegedly the second largest fir in the Sooke Region. Must email Will A. if coming. **Nifty 50 Hike**
Meet at the Mt. Work parking lot on Ross-Durrance Road at 8:50. Hike is 4-5 hours. Bring your adventurous spirit!! Must email Liz B. if coming.
Meet at Tod Inlet TH on Wallace Drive. Hike is 200 m – 7 km – 2.5 hrs. Email leader Jan M if coming.
Meet at the Harbourview parking lot. Hike starts at 9:30. Hike is 500m - 11kms - 4.5 hrs. Who dares do this hike on Friday, the 13th? Must email Linda D. if coming.
Meet at Beckwith Park. Hike is 170 m – 8.5 km – 2.5 hrs. Email leader Paula M if coming.
Meet at the Mt. Work parking lot on Munn Road (Highlands). Hike starts at 10:00. Hike is 350m -11kms - 4 hrs. Must email Whitney L. if coming.
Hike starts at 9:00. Hike is 400m - 13.5 kms - 4.5 hrs. Contact leader (Anne O.) for start location and other details. Must email Anne O. if coming.
This hike is cancelled due to an unfavorable weather forecast.
Meet at Hartland Rd parking lot used by mountain bikers. Hike is 100 m - 5 km - 2 hrs. Slow pace. Email leader Ken M if coming.
Hike starts at 9:00. Hike is 500m - 16kms. Contact leader (Laura A.) for start location and other details. Must email Laura A. if coming.
Meet at the end of Westoby Road. Hike starts at 9:30. Hike is 250m - 10.5 kms - 3.5hrs. Must email Cathy G. if coming.
This hike is cancelled due to wind and rain.
Meet at the Mt. Work parking lot on Munn Road. Hike starts at 9:30. Hike is 430m - 11.5kms - 4 hrs. Must email Cathy G. if coming.
Meet at parking lot near washrooms. Hike is 220 m – 7 km – 2.5 hrs. Email leader Lorraine L if coming.
Hike starts at 9:00. Hike is 500m - 10kms. Contact leader (Laura A.) for start location and more details. Must email Laura. if coming. **Nifty 50 hike**
Meet at the end of Bellamy Road. Hike starts at 9:30. Hike is 220 m – 7.5 kms. Email leader Paula M if coming.
Meet at the Mt. Work parking lot on Munn Road. Hike starts at 9:00. Hike is 215m - 8kms - 2.5-3 hrs. Must email Cathy G. if coming.
Meet at the Sea-to-Sea regional parking lot on Harbourview Rd. Hike starts at 9:00. Hike is 600m - 12 kms -5 hrs. Lunch & cider at the old fire lookout. Hopefully, taking an alternative to the summit trail on the way down. Must email Will A. if coming. **Nifty 50 hike**
Meet at end of Woodridge Place. Hike is 240 m – 8.5 km – 3 hrs. Moderate pace. Email leader Lorraine L if coming.
Contact leader for start time and meet location. Hike will go up the front of Finlayson, but not the rock face. Hike is 400m - 4 kms. Must email Laura A. if coming.
Meet at the trailhead at 959 Finlayson Arm Road. Hike starts at 10:00. Hike is 273m - 4.5 kms - 2.5-3 hrs. Moderately challenging. Some steep, rocky sections. Slow pace. Return same route. Must email Shirley T. if coming.
Meet at Francis King parking lot. Hike is 80 m – 5 km – 2 hrs. Slow pace. Email leader Ken M if coming.