B2b Matheson Lake – Cougar Ridge
Meet leader at the Matheson Lake parking lot. Hike starts at 10:00. Hike is 375m - 10.5 kms - 4 hrs. Contact Whitney L. if coming.
Meet leader at the Matheson Lake parking lot. Hike starts at 10:00. Hike is 375m - 10.5 kms - 4 hrs. Contact Whitney L. if coming.
Meet at the Mt. Work parking lot on Munn Road. Hike starts at 9:30. Hike is 215m - 8 kms - 3 hrs. Contact Cathy G. if coming.
Meet at Spectacle Lake Provincial Park. Hike starts at 9:30. Hike is 360m - 11 kms - 4 hrs. Most of the hike is through clearcuts. Maximum of 8 participants. Contact Will A. if coming.
Meet at Swan Lk Nature Centre Parking lot. Hike is 165 m – 8.8 km – 3 hrs. Email leader Jan M if coming.
Meet at Munn Rd parking lot. Hike is 220 m – 7.5 km – 2.5 hrs. Moderate pace. Email leader Lorraine L if coming.
Meet at the McKenzie Creek trailhead on Highland Road. Hike starts at 9:00. Hike is 400m - 11.5 kms -4-4.5 hrs. Contact Cathy G. if coming
Meet at the Mt. Work parking lot on Ross-Durrance Road. Hike starts at 9:00. Hike is 500m - 10.6 kms - 4.5 hrs. Contact Liz B. if coming.
Meet at N end of Millstream Rd. Hike is 100 m – 5.5 km – 2 hrs. Slow moderate pace. Email leader Ken M if coming.
Meet at TH at Cresswell Rd. Hike is 260 m – 9 km – 3 hrs. Moderate pace. Email leader Lorraine L if coming.
Meet at Bellamy Rd. Hike is 200 m – 9 km – 2.5 hrs. Slow pace. Come see the Ravens mating dance. Email leader Paula M if coming.
Meet at TH Millstream Rd just past Emma Dixon Rd. Hike is 290 m – 6 km – 3 hrs. Emma Dixon Trail, Tai Chi, Ridge Trail, Jocelyn Hill. Some steep, rocky sections. Slow pace. Email leader Shirley T if coming.
Meet at the Skutz Falls trailhead on Riverbottom Road. Hike starts at 10:00. Hike is 14 kms. Hike is weather dependent. In case of rain, an alternative hike will be offered closer to town. Contact Carol M. if coming.
Meet at Charters Creek TH on Sooke River Rd. Hike is 300 m - 4 km - 2.5 hrs. Email Rita P if coming.
Meet at the Mt. Work parking lot on Munn Road. Hike starts at 9:30. Hike is 500m - 13 kms. Contact Vandi H. if coming.
Meet at the Sooke Hills Wilderness parking lot on Sooke Road. Hike starts at 9:00. Hike is 500m - 8 kms. Contact Laura A. if coming.
Hikers will take 9:00 ferry from Swartz Bay to Fulford Harbour. Hike is 200 m – 8 km – 3 hrs. Email leader Lorraine L if coming.
Meet at the Durrance Lake parking lot. Hike starts at 10:00. Hike is 270m - 7.5 kms - 3-3.5 hrs. Contact Cathy G. if coming.
Meet at the Sooke Hills Wilderness parking lot on Sooke Road. Hike starts at 9:30, hike is 400m -10 kms. Contact Linda D. if coming.
Meet at the end of Cresswell Road where it intersects with Texada Terrace. Hike starts at 10:00. Hike is 350m - 9 kms - 3 hrs. Contact Denise T. if coming.
Meet at parking lot near washrooms. Hike is 220 m – 7 km – 2.5 hrs. Email leader Lorraine L if coming.
Meet at the Mt. Work parking lot on Munn Road. Hike starts at 9:30. Hike is 300m - 9 kms. Contact Vandi H. if coming.
Contact Denise T. if coming.
Meet at Gyro Park. Hike is 140 m – 7.7 km – 2.5 hrs. Email leader Jan M if coming.
Meet at the Halden Rd/Thompson Place trailhead. Hike starts a 9:00. Hike is 552m - 10.2 kms - 3.5-4 hrs. Contact Liz B. if coming.
Meet at Munn Rd parking lot. Hike is 80 m - 5 km - 2 hrs. Email leader Ken M if coming.
Meet at Spectacle Lake Provincial Park. Hike starts at 9:30. Hike is 360m -11 kms -4 hrs. Most of hike is through clearcuts. Contact Will A. if coming.
Meet at TH at end of Woodridge Place. Hike is 240 m – 9.5 km – 3 hrs. Moderate pace. Email leader Lorraine L if coming.
Meet at the Sooke Hills Wilderness parking lot on Sooke Road. Hike starts at 9:30. Hike is 540m -13 kms - 4.5 hrs. Contact Denise T. if coming.
Meet at SMH parking lot. Ride is approx 18-22 km per hour - 4 hrs. Email leader Paula M if coming.
Meet at the end of Woodridge Place. Hike starts at 9:30. Hike is 200m - 8 kms - 3 hrs. Contact Cathy G. if coming.
Meet at the Mt. Work parking lot on Ross-Durrance Road. Hike starts at 9:30. Hike is 325m - 11 kms - 4.5 hrs. Contact Chris D. if coming.
Meet at the sign across from the campground gatehouse. Hike is 280 m – 7 km – 3 hrs. Goldstream Falls to Hidden Springs. Slow pace. Email leader Shirley T if coming.
Meet at the Sooke Hills Wilderness parking lot on Sooke Road. Hike starts at 9:30. Hike is 500m -12-15 kms - 4-5 hrs. Contact Helen V. if coming.