A1b James Bay Walk
Meet at Corner Cook and Leonard. Parking on Leonard. Bring lunch or buy at Fisherman’s Wharf. Hike is 120 m – 8 km – 3 hrs. Email leader Lorraine L if coming.
Meet at Corner Cook and Leonard. Parking on Leonard. Bring lunch or buy at Fisherman’s Wharf. Hike is 120 m – 8 km – 3 hrs. Email leader Lorraine L if coming.
Meet at the Mt. Work parking lot on Munn Road. Hike starts at 9:00. Hike is 450m - 11kms - 4 hrs. Email Cathy G. if coming.
Meet at the Mt Work Munn Rd parking lot. Hike is 300 m – 6.5 km – 3.5 hrs. Mt. Baker viewpoint. Slow pace. Email leader Shirley T if coming.
Meet at the Harbourview Road parking lot. Hike starts at 10:00. Hike is 550m - 11 kms - 5 hrs. Email Whitney L. if coming.