B2b John Dean Park
Meet at the Halden/Thompson trailhead (8233 Thompson). Hike starts at 9:00. Hike is 552m - 10.5 kms - 3.5-4 hrs. Must email Liz B. if coming.
Meet at the Halden/Thompson trailhead (8233 Thompson). Hike starts at 9:00. Hike is 552m - 10.5 kms - 3.5-4 hrs. Must email Liz B. if coming.
Meet at Spinnakers Pub, 308 Catherine St. Hike is 130m – 9.5 km – 2.5 hrs. Moderate pace. Email leader Lyn A if coming.
Meet at Gyro Park. Hike is 140 m – 7.7 km – 2.5 hrs. Email leader Jan M if coming.
Meet at the Mt. Work parking lot on Munn Road. Hike starts at 10:00. Hike is 400m- 10kms - 4 hrs. Must email Whitney L. if coming.
Meet on Mann Ave at the mid-block crosswalk. Hike is 200 m – 7 km – 2.5 hrs. Email leader Paula M if coming.