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First Hike of 2020

First Hike of 2020

submitted by Adrien Lamoureux It was a nice break from the rain to enjoy the a sunny (but windy) hike on Mount Finlayson. Six brave hikers did the front, and the majority did the back. We met at the top (including Joy!) and shared a small drink to kick off the new year (thanks to Joy) 🙂

Goldstream Park

Goldstream Park

Submitted by Shirley Traviss Five hardy members hiked in Goldstream Park on December 8, 2019. We made a loop to Goldstream Falls and the length of the park to the Railway Trestle. We were rewarded with a magical forest of green with moss hanging from the bushes and trees, many tiny waterfalls, sunlight filtering through, fog coming in and out, and no rain.  Shirley

OCV Summer Picnic

OCV Summer Picnic

Submitted by Liz Bicknell 37 OCV members attended our first ever summer barbecue held at Elk Lake Rowing Facility. Everyone had so much fun. This will become an annual event for our club as the venue was such a hit. The team work to put on such a successful event was impressive. Our thanks to Grace and Barb and also to Jerry Reich and his barbecue assistants. The food was delicious. Thanks to all for putting so much effort into…

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