About Us
Hike Calendar
The Outdoor Club of Victoria has been providing adult hiking for people who are interested in and enjoy outdoor activities for over 80 years. We schedule hikes every week as well as occasional bike rides and multiple-day outings throughout the year. Our weekly hikes range from easy through moderate to fast paced and challenging. The hikes and bike rides are in Greater Victoria and Southern Vancouver Island areas while our outings can be further afield.

We are a club of like-minded outdoor loving people. We offer members enjoyable and safe hiking trips and social occasions to get together.
The Outdoor Club of Victoria hikes predominantly within the communities of southern Vancouver Island and the south Gulf Islands that are located in the traditional territories of the Lkwungen (Esquimalt and Songhees), Malahat, Pacheedaht, Scia’new, T’Sou-ke and W̱SÁNEĆ (Pauquachin, Tsartlip, Tsawout, Tseycum) peoples. We acknowledge the traditional lands of these communities upon which we gather as a club.
Diversity and Inclusivity
OCV wishes to embrace diversity and inclusivity as the club strives to represent our greater community. The Outdoor Club of Victoria offers hiking and outdoor opportunities where individuals who share our love of hiking are welcomed, respected, supported and valued.
Each and every hiker is responsible for their personal safety. Please determine that your skill matches the demands of any hike by contacting the hike leader and checking the Hike Ratings. It is also paramount that each hiker recognizes their own limitations. If you happen to find yourself outside your personal comfort zone be prepared to acknowledge it and share the challenge.
Participants are expected to be competent hikers who accept the risks and hazards associated with any outdoor activity, along with the regular use of rough and steep trails in isolated areas and adverse conditions.

Are volunteers who have no special training but have knowledge of the trail through personal reconnaissance.